Vehicle Location Policy

Policy Regarding Requesting Stolen Vehicle Location Services or Vehicle Information

Sirius XM Connected Vehicle Services Inc. (“SXMCV”) provides telematics services including the delivery of safety, security, and convenience services to the subscribers of connected devices and vehicles on behalf of itself and its commercial customers such as automotive manufacturers. In performing its services, SXMCV is bound by certain contractual obligations to its commercial customers as well as to consumers. SXMCV is also mindful of the evolving civil and privacy concerns and policies, especially regarding real time geolocation information.

SXMCV’s policies and practices align with the commitments made by approximately 20 automobile manufacturers, through the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, to a set of Consumer Privacy Protection Principles ( to ensure consumer privacy concerns are addressed.  These policies and practices are also aligned with privacy laws (such as California’s Privacy Rights Act – CPRA) and, as such, are subject to change at any time as these laws evolve in various jurisdictions.

SXMCV’s policies and practices are designed to ensure transparency and effective notice and context-specific consent, particularly regarding real time geolocation information.  Accordingly, law enforcement requests for stolen vehicle location or other vehicle information must:

  1. include clear consent from a subscriber (subject to reasonable verification by SXMCV);
  2. be made under the authority of a valid court order or search warrant, as applicable; or
  3. meet the limited criteria for an Exigent Circumstance.
Subscriber Requests

Where an enrolled vehicle is equipped with a telematics device and connected to a cellular network, SXMCV provides stolen vehicle location services to active, enrolled subscribers of a connected vehicle services program made available by SXMCV (each, a “Subscriber”).  The stolen vehicle location service to a Subscriber supports law enforcement efforts to recover  a Subscriber’s stolen, telematics-enabled vehicle by providing that location information to law enforcement agencies after the vehicle has been reported stolen.

Stolen Vehicle Location

Subscribers may request that SXMCV activate the stolen vehicle location service for their enrolled vehicle as follows:

  1. Filing a stolen vehicle police report with the local law enforcement authority where the Subscriber believes their vehicle was stolen.
  2. Contacting a customer care agent for the telematics service through the Subscriber’s connected vehicle services app or at the telephone number indicated in the Subscriber’s subscriber agreement.
  3. After the customer care agent verifies the Subscriber’s identity and that a stolen vehicle police report has been filed for their vehicle, SXMCV will activate the stolen vehicle location service.
Stolen Vehicle Location Requests Made with Assistance from Law Enforcement

Alternatively, after a Subscriber files a stolen vehicle police report, a Subscriber may authorize and request a law enforcement officer authorized to investigate the Subscriber’s stolen vehicle to request the initiation of the stolen vehicle location services on the Subscriber’s behalf. In order to do so:

  1. The Subscriber and the law enforcement officer should contact SXMCV together at the following number: (833) 616-7520; then
  2. Following such request from a law enforcement officer on a Subscriber’s behalf, SXMCV will attempt to contact the Subscriber to notify the Subscriber that the stolen vehicle location service for the subscribed vehicle has been initiated at the Subscriber’s request by a law enforcement officer.

Please note that verification of the Subscriber’s identity and the existence of an active stolen vehicle police report for the Subscriber’s vehicle are requirements regardless of whether the request for stolen vehicle location services is made by the Subscriber or a law enforcement officer.

Law Enforcement Requests to Locate a Vehicle and for Vehicle Information Other than Current Location

Where the initiation of stolen vehicle location service for a SXMCV serviceable vehicle is requested by a law enforcement agency without the owner’s validated consent, or for purposes unrelated to recovery of a stolen vehicle, a valid court order or search warrant demonstrating probable cause (“Judicial Document”) together with its  completed and attached supplemental exhibit for stolen vehicle location, the form of which is found at here (“Exhibit A”). The Judicial Document MUST clearly state that Exhibit A is part of the Judicial Document. The Judicial Document and Exhibit A are both required and must be delivered to SXMCV at T[email protected]. Exhibit A is not a substitute for a Judicial Document, but rather a required addition to a Judicial Document.

A valid Judicial Document together with Exhibit A are also required where a law enforcement agency seeks information related to a specific vehicle such as prior location, communication between the vehicle or its occupants and SXMCV, information about the prior usage of SXMCV’s services for a specific vehicle, or Subscriber information other than basic Subscriber account information (the “Vehicle Information”).   

For law enforcement requests, check to see if the vehicle in question is eligible for connected services here.

When making a request for the initiation of the stolen vehicle location service and/or for other vehicle information, a law enforcement agency must do each of the following:

  1. At the time of the application for a search warrant or other valid court order, present Exhibit A to the judge so that it may be made part of the Judicial Document;
  2. At the time an application is granted, review the Judicial Document to confirm:
  3. that the judge identified Exhibit A by name in the Judicial Document, and
  4. that the judge signed Exhibit A where indicated;
  5. Email the completed Judicial Document and Exhibit A as one single file to SXMCV at [email protected].

To the extent that a law enforcement agency or other governmental entity requests or orders the non-disclosure of the contents or existence of the Judicial Document, please note that telematics-based stolen vehicle location services are not designed to be implemented in a manner to preclude detection by a Subscriber or vehicle occupant. As such, it is impossible to guarantee that a Subscriber or vehicle occupant will not become aware that stolen vehicle location services have been activated. Additionally, SXMCV makes no representation of control over the underlying wireless carrier providing connectivity to vehicles receiving connected vehicle services from SXMCV and any Judicial Document ordering non-disclosure of a Judicial Document by such wireless carrier must be directed to and served upon that wireless carrier.

Law Enforcement Requests Due to Exigent Circumstances

An “Exigent Circumstance” is an emergency in which bypassing ordinary search warrant procedures is necessary because of an imminent threat of serious bodily harm or death to an individual (such as an AMBER Alert). If the Subscriber is unable to give consent to the sharing of stolen vehicle location information with law enforcement that requires disclosure of information without delay due to Exigent Circumstances, it is incumbent upon requesting law enforcement authority to provide SXMCV with information sufficient to form a good faith belief that disclosure is necessary without the need for a court order. To make a request due to Exigent Circumstances, the form linked here must be fully completed and returned to SXMCV for review by emailing the completed form to [email protected].

Prevention of damage to or recovery of property or speculation that the vehicle may be used in future violent crimes is not considered an exigent circumstance. For example, an Exigent Circumstance may not be present in the case of a carjacking where a vehicle has been taken from a Subscriber by force or threat of force, but the assailant then flees with the vehicle.

Civil or other Non-Criminal Third Party Requests for Vehicle Information

Requests by any third parties other than law enforcement agencies for Vehicle Information requires consent of the Subscriber or a valid Judicial Document that must be delivered to SXMCV at [email protected].

Third Party Requests for Basic Subscriber Information

For third party requests for basic Subscriber information (name, address, contact and/or account information), to the extent that they exist and were created prior to the time of the request, a legally valid subpoena or request specifically identifying the information requested and citing to the specific legal authority for that request is required and legal service of that request must be made at the following address:

Sirius XM Connected Vehicle Services Inc.
c/o CT Corporation System
1999 Bryan Street, Suite 900
Dallas, TX 75201